Free, Learning Materials

(Disclaimer: These are external sites. I haven't vetted most of the content. Use discernment. Masters and RTS should have good theology, though.)

These are all sites with free articles, audio, video, and courses to grow your knowledge of the faith. That many courses are from seminaries means you don't need to drop five digits worth of cash for them. We are so blessed that God has inspired people to give us all of this for free! Praise the Lord! isn't affiliated with any organizations below. I just curate some of their materials for your convenience, out of gratitude to them for making it free, and sometimes to bypass buggy interfaces. If they take donations or are a school, consider going to one of them to support them back for their generosity. If nothing else, I strongly recommend you take Bible overviews plus Hermeneutics (Bible interpretation). The Bible will just open up like never before. After equipped for the Word itself, add Systematic Theology if you have more time.

If on mission or in ministry, there is an article on how can serve and get an education with credentials.

Highly-Accessible, Free, and Multi-Format


They mainly do short, animated videos that are popular with all age groups. They also have podcasts and study resources. They have a mobile app.


They have videos, audio, and articles in multiple languages. Their mobile app is in English, Spanish, and Chinese. They have a huge network of partners. Some partners issue degrees, too.

Highly Organized or Accessible

The Gospel Coalition Free Courses

TGC has a huge amount of content from many sources, covers many topics, many books in the Bible... a little bit of everything. This page doesn't work on mobile. Their doctrine statement looks good.

Reformed Theological Seminary Mobile App (all lectures)

Master's Seminary (John MacArthur's) (Youtube videos)

Covenant Theological Seminary

Less Organized or Accessible

Dallas Theological Seminary

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (Youtube channel w/ lectures)

Multi-Denominational (Broader, but Riskier)

BT has lectures for new believers, everyone in the church, and seminary-level for highly-committed. The seminary courses come from over 15 institutions. Their library has class transcripts. They also have inexpensive certificates for common needs. For seminary credit, their partner, Okanagan, uses a church-centered model, is less expensive than many (also has financial aid), and online with students in many countries.

Reason for I moved them into this category. I took several courses that were great: Proverbs by Waltke; some Systematic Theology by Ware; some OT Theology by House; Essentials of World Missions by Tennet. Some instructors fought liberalism in seminaries, too. What a team!

Then, I hit Theory and Practice of Evangelism by Tuttle. There were many useful and inspiring moments in his lectures. Those made these feel worse: a good friend of Oral Roberts (false teacher), taught portions of Scripture aren't literal, a creation theory I've never heard of, and sometimes prayed to saints. It's just that trainees, esp new believers, might assume all material on this site is trustworthy. Then, they get mislead by false teaching.

There's so much good stuff on BiblicalTraining that I'm keeping it on this site to let churches decide for themselves. If you use it, just warn your people to only use courses you've vetted. You can also download and pass out the good lectures.

(Back to learn the Gospel w/ proof it's true, or learn how to share it.)